"Elite Liberals PROJECT Their Own Faults On Us" says VDH

VDH "The Elite" project their racism on poor softspoken Peter Thiel savages US education VDH Elite Liberal Mindsets Peter Thiel Universities Corrupt Like Catholic Church 1500 Existence of God Debates And Profit From Debating Controversy
I don't have a wall around my house.
You have a wall around your house...
Streisand, Zuckerberg do, too.
My children are in public schools.
Elizabeth Warren's - NOT in public schools.
So this whole Progressive idea is, in some ways,
a Projection
"I wanna live around elite people.
I wanna make a lot of money.
I wanna live in a nice neighborhood.
I wanna have a lot of servants,
and I feel real guilty, and so then
I project racism, homophobia, nativism,
protectionism - all of these ISM's on YOU!
she (elizabeth warren) parlayed a fake ethnic identity,
in the most cynical fashion, to take a spot from somebody else
and become a harvard law professor.
Without that Native American identity
she wouldn't have been a harvard professor.

Elite Liberals Project Their Own Faults On Us,
they don't have to face the consequences,
the ramifications of their own ideologies.

 To Top 

Scroll Down To Peter Thiel

So, what I'm getting at is
a lot of these liberal people say things
that are racist and sexist
that the "deplorables and irredeemables" don't say.
and Yet, these "deplorables and irredeemables"
live with people of various backgrounds,
and THEY get along!

You have this elite class
that lives in segregated circumstances.
They use language
that anybody else would be called out for
and they have a medieval exemption
(see Peter Thiel video, below left)
just like the church in about 1300 that said
"give us money and you will be forgiven,
given an exemption for things you've done or will do."
That's what Progressivism does. It says,
"Join us and you get a 'get out of jail' card",
and you can say or do anything you want.

One of my friends has characterized
the university system as the "atheist church"
which is sort of the successor to the Catholic Church -
sort of universal -
the university system of 2014 is like
the Catholic Church of 1514.
There's less diversity - 
you had the Dominicans, Franciscans, all these 
different orders, but the diversity between,
let's say, the harvard and stanford
political science departments is considerably less.
You have sort of this priestly class of professors -
or school district superintendents -
that doesn't do very much work.
People are buying indulgences, in the form of
amassing enormous debt for the sort of
secular salvation that a diploma represents.
I think that, like in the 16th century,
The Reformation will come largely from outside.
Uncommon Knowledge at The Hoover Institution
Peter Robinson with Peter Thiel on Education
Thiel says there is a College Education Bubble,
just like we had the intenet and housing bubbles.
He says we need more choices.

Thiel says "It's like a very,
very expensive IQ test that's being administered
where an IQ test would cost $25
and a Harvard education costs $250,000 -
a quarter of a million dollars.
Yes, you get a better job, but it's an incredibly
high tax that's being extracted.

When people use the word "education"
that's always an incredible abstraction already.
We should be talking about
"what, specifically, are you learning?" ...
Once you use this abstraction, it can mean anything.
You can think economically
Is education an an investment?
Is is a four-year party, is it a comsumption decision?
Is it an insurance policy?
Or, is it (as Thiel claims) just a Tournament
where the value actually just consists of the fact
that these colleges exclude people, primarily...
It's like a crazy night club. It's like Studio 54
where you have a long line of people
and the more exclusive you make it
the more valuable it is.
It masquerades as something positive sum,
but in reality it's very zero sum ...

Thiel says there is an Education Bubble
because people can't envision alternatives,
doing anything different...
we will start to see more alternatives
There should be more choices.
It should not be "you go to Yale or you go to jail."


see 40:12 excessive optimism or pessimism
leads to inaction 

Scroll To Peter Thiel Row 2 To Top Return Up To bad gallup-mckinley school district (CONTENTS) Yes, of course, schools are day care warehousing kids k - 12, putting them in a place. It's the "professionalism" scam that has us paying a small number of union member teachers a LOT OF MONEY (don't kid yourself!). It's style over substance. Any reputable adult babysitter can herd the kids better (without the crazy political correctness agendas propagandized to the kids), and at much less cost. 3 or 4 such useful adults maintaining order could be hired at the price of one teacher making $60,000 or $80,000/year or more for putting time in "socializing" in a seat in a political correctness indoctrination camp known as "teacher education classes). We find ways to rationalize it, says Peter. We say it's good for kids to socialize with each other. A panelist made fun of Peter for saying this, "do you think it's not good for kids to socialize" ha ha ha on you, Peter. Let's make fun of Peter The Vampire. Well, actually, many, or even most, schools have environments that are so bad that kids would be better off hanging out at the pool/billiards place. Really. Most of their learning is from each other, from "socializing". In rural and olden days, children socialized with their nuclear and extended families and their neighbors. There was much more adult awareness and involvement. Indeed, using the daycare idea, we need more adults in the schools - and I mean in the classrooms, where thee kids are, not in offices - the main issue in schools is managing student behavior. Curriculum delivery is a snap. Excellent curricula can be delivered over Youtube.

Two takeaways from this brief clip

Notice how (at 1 min, 17 secs) Peter is "straw-manned".
Peter sharply invented (I think) the phrases
"steel-manning" and "straw-manning".
"Steel-manning" someone is respecting someone
by listening carefully to what they say and mean.
"straw-manning" is when you make fun of the speaker,
disregarding the speaker's intelligent substance and meaning
with an absurd, ridiculing, comic remark.
Here, Peter talks about what the different functions
of school are, one of them being day care
to get the kids out of their parents' hair.
Instead of admitting that as a function,
parents and paid school employees
rationalize, saying that they send kids to school
"because it's good for kids to socialize with one another".
Well, I ask, isn't it good for kids to socialize
with family and extended family and the neighborhood
and to spend time beside an older sibling or parent, learning,
or beside a younger relative, learning to teach and care?
Indeed, I have seen many, many, many school environments
that are soooooo bad that the kids would be better off
hanging around at the local billiards hall all day.

Yet, the panelist at this so-called intellectual event
couldn't resist being a brat and mocking Peter,
implying that Peter was saying Peter shouldn't socialize.
That was not Peter's point,
and anyone listening respectfully -
not mockingly -
to Mr Thiel would know that.

School should be more like Day Camp. 
Scroll Down To More Thiel And Robinson To Top Return Up To bad gallup-mckinley school district (CONTENTS)
Peter Robinson ("Uncommon Knowledge" program)
wrote the "Tear Down This Wall" speech for Reagan.
Here, he interviews Peter Thiel at The Hoover Institution.

Vocabulary (2 min, 30 sec)
 "Perestroika" and "Glasnost" 
The literal meaning of
perestroika is "reconstruction",
referring to the restructuring
of the Soviet political and economic system,
in an attempt to end the Era of Stagnation.
glasnost (meaning "openness")
It has been used in Russian to mean
"openness and transparency"
since at least the end of the 18th century.
a retreat
from more radical goals and strategies during a revolution

"$1,700,000,000,000 ($1.7 trillion)
in student debt at time of interview (01/17/2020)
I don't think we should socialize the student debt,
but we should deal with it in a non-socialist way.
We should internalize the cost onto universities.
Re-do the bankruptcy laws,
'yes, you can discharge the student debt'
and, when you discharge it, it's the college
that gave you the bad education that gets stuck with the bill."
non-socialist alternative

universities=insurance/tournament for student (17 m, 38 s)
Political Correctness on universities (18 min, 52 sec)

American Exceptionalism? No. Being Great! Yes
Thomas Sowell To Top Return Up To bad gallup-mckinley school district (CONTENTS)
 data column 3 
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