Russia World Forum 2017 July 3 and 4, Moscow

BEGIN PREAMBLE Is it better to remain silent and be thought a fool, or speak up and remove all doubt? Well, I don't really like that comment, or question, or whatever it is. It represents low-level thinking. A retired Air Force Colonel I used to work with would snicker and say it sometimes. It's sort of a "humorous" put-down, something meant to embarass or humiliate someone. Military lifers are chock full of statements like that. Here's another one, "SNAFU" When I inquired of the retired Air Force Sergeant who used it a lot, he explained that it means "Situation Normal, All Fucked Up." The overall result of such negative mantras repeated in the mind, or aloud, is to enforce and reinforce within the group the general paradigm that things are fucked up, they always were, they always will be, and there's nothing you can do about it, so shut up, don't make a fool of yourself by taking a positive (childish or naive) attitude, and cope, and just get by and accept and be part of the "no we can't" paradigm. I was the youngest at 29 (the others 33, 34, 40, 42, 52), and my youthful energy was often the object of their derision. I eventually told them all to Go Fuck Their Mothers. "GFYM" Six of us were hired together at the County Assessor's office, 5 of us veterans, and the other the son of a colonel, so military culture, military "humor" (aka insults and harassment) prevailed. I MUCH MUCH MUCH prefer a mantra of The Cool kids of Silicon Valley, "Make More Mistakes!" I know that my reasonable friends associated with The Russia World Forum understand that this mantra is not meant to intentionally make mistakes, just for the hell of it, but rather "to go for it," to "just do it," "to aim high," and not be feared into inaction by the prospect of the inevitable mistakes. Our American Brats, on the other hand, delight and excel in intentionally misunderstanding things, and pretending to misunderstand things, to the point where they really DO misunderstand almost everything, especially anything that makes sense, so we'll just mock the hell out of them, shall we? Yes, of course we shall. END PREAMBLE ******* I am having trouble deciding where to begin, (Well, I guess I just did with that sweet PREAMBLE, didn't I?) and where to go with this. I have notes scribbled all over the place, on napkins, on index cards, on miscellaneous flyers and financial statements, etc. I suppose what's really bothering me is what I perceive to be the overwhelming task before me, so much to say about so much. Perhaps this is the "Trump Syndrome," so much to think about, to attend to, to do, that one seems unfocused and scatter-brained. So be it. So, be prepared for a montage, for repetition, for jumping around to different topics. Let's just call it "The Fog of War." Pay attention. Be perceptive. Situational Awareness. The world's in trouble. It just keeps on getting worse. It began in March and April in a flea bag motel in Gallup, NM where I was staying, and wasting money, because the police illegally kept (for 2 months) my truck that I lived in, and illegally searched it, making it even way messier than it was when they took it (it got messy when I drove and stuff spilled over). Well in the motel I unhappily contemplated my sad situation, and I watched mostly FOX News, and Shark Tank, and some specials, like the one, "Putin, Most Powerful Man In the World." ******* So without even looking at my scribbled napkins, let us mention now the overall theme of absurdity (theirs, not ours), and fake news. So, now I'm not in a motel room in Gallup, NM, but now I get my news from the TV at McDonalds in El Paso, CNN. A week or so ago, Putin is reasonably explaining (as he always does) that his country, and the world, is full of hackers, many of them youngsters, and that these hackers do whatever they want and can. The silly brats on cnn start chatting (analyzing) "it sounds like Putin is admitting that he did it." The heads all nod in agreement, with lips pursed seriously. So, basically, Putin just explained that anybody in the world could hack and our silly little cnn heads CONCLUDE that he is confessing that he did it, that the Kremlin did it. This is extreme negotiating at its worse. A lot of the pundits sometimes say that Trump sometimes spouts out extreme nonsense to establish an extreme negotiating position from which he can "make concessions." But here we have the cnn media doing it worse. It's absolute illogical nonsense, and if it's not just bratty intentional misunderstanding, then it's stupidity off the charts. I believe it's just an immature insistence on always having your way and always "being right," so that anything anybody says "supports your position" or "is a confession." This is the "Taming of the Shrew Syndrome." I never could stand reading Shakespeare even though the jesuits force-fed it to us, but one day I was watching the kids put on a play outdoors near UC Davis, "The Taming of the Shrew." I had no idea what the storyline was, but apparently this nobility guy marries a girl, apparently a spirited girl, and goes about "taming" her (aka breaking her will and spirit). So whatever she says, he denies and contradicts. She says "It's a lovely day today," he replies "It's horrible, and it's raining, and it's nighttime." She is astounded and perplexed as she looks outside at the warm, sunshine day. So, basically he's just a fucking asshole and eventually she wearies and goes along with him, and I guess they live (or he lives) happily ever after. So this is emblematic of our relationship with Putin and Russia. PUTIN-BASHING. KGB thug. But to any reasonable person, this leaves us open to the simple reply that, then, George Bush the elder is a CIA thug. I mean this is just CHILDISH rhetoric. And I am not alone in my disgust. Kissinger, Nxon's Secretary of State, an icon of pro-American, anti-Russian conservatism, repeatedly has scolded our media and politicians that "Putin-bashing is not a strategy." It's just childish. Putin is not going to be tamed. He is the most eloquent, intelligent and reasonable leader in the world that I know of today. His patience is Saintly. His self-control despite endless lies and absurdities and provocations and attacks is very admirable. I believe it is largely due to his martial arts training, although I believe he already had these strong character traits which attracted him to the practice of martial arts, which only strengthened his character. Lucky for Russia, and lucky for us. A lesser man wouldn't put up with our shit so patiently. I hope he stays true to his character and stays true to his martial arts mental and spiritual discipline throughout his life (a long and happy and successful one, I hope) ******* So on that special that I saw on FOX, I think, "Putin, Most Powerful Man In the World," it explains and displays the animosity between hillary and President Putin, explaining that hillary was encouraging, inciting, supporting, anti-Putin elements and factions in Russia, encouraging Putin's defeat at the polls, and possibly his overthrow and even assassination, as had been happening throughout the middle east and in Georgia and Ukraine. And don't forget when our assistant secretary of state said "Fuck the EU!" while she was on the phone with our ambassador to Ukraine, telling him whom we should choose to replace the elected President of Ukraine (in other words we were overthrowing a foreign government.) So, OF COURSE Putin didn't want the nightmare of hillary elected. And let's talk about all the governments and entities and people throughout the world that are always trying to influence everything in the world to their favor. This is just American politics as usual and the only winners are the politicians and media who get round the clock air time talking nonsense, Putin-bashing, Russia-bashing, Kislyak bashing (Kislyak is a SPY!) I never heard such chatter so absurd and ridiculous (except maybe when they talk about me!). So, Tillerson's a spy, too, right? Look, lemme straighten you motherfuckers out. You're just damn lucky that guy in D.C. didn't KILL a whole bunch of you motherfucking politicians. Many, many, many Americans, despite our abhorrence of violence, and our rejection of violence as a viable choice of action, would have thought "You Had It Coming!" We don't love you. We don't admire you. We don't like you. We're fed up. ******* I, myself, reject violence as a solution, except in self-defense. I, too, have been profoundly influenced by martial arts spiritual and mental disciplines and peaceful intellectual philosophies. I have always resorted to verbal responses, including reason, truth-telling, and savage mockery (although those mocked, seldom seem to get it). ******* I have listened to all of our presidents and politicials talk, and Putin stands out head and shoulders above them, like a Giant. He is basicly just an honest, hard-working man who loves his country. He speaks unscripted, coherently, logically, honestly, persuasively. You see, I'm nust ordinary guy. I got radar for that kind of shit. ******* The Crimea, and Ukraine, and Georgia are none of our fucking business. As long as our bratty politicians and media refuse to get that, that Russia has a right to defend itself, then the U.S. is fucked. Russia will defend itself and its interests, and I don't blame them. I respect and admire them for it. Putin has patiently extended the hand of cooperation throughout the decades, despite our provocations and insults. He continues to do so. ******* So my heart will be in Moscow on July 3, 2017, when they unveil a Gorbachev/Reagan sculpture. My mind will be there. My spirit will be there. Will my body be there? Possibly, but probably not, because I am financially poor, but that is the only reason. Over the next few days, I will write, look into the logistics of flying over and attending (possibly too late in deciding to get visa) ******* I donated over $250 to the World Russia Forum this year (I admit I have attended 1 or 2 without donating). My reasoning was that the expenditure, for a few hours of watching a statue being unveiled, not being able to speak Russian, just standing around like I usually do at Forum events, would show that I am not fiscally prudent. However, by donating generously (for me), I could clearly display goodwill, and save all the expense of the trip, and not be a pest. You see, when you get these invitations by email, you don't know whether they really want YOU to come, or whether they're just emailed to everyone, so no one feels slighted or left out. This is where you have to read between the lines, and make judgement calls, and take hints (evaluating whether any hints were given), etc. When I lived near Harrisburg, I could just drive to D.C. in 2 hours and attend because I wanted to, even if they didn't invite me, or invited me just to be polite, and I was not being financially irresponsible to spend a few hundred bucks. I remember when I was in California, living in a trailer on a farm, a broke truck driver, I got an invitation from The White House or from The Republicans or someone to a dinner in D.C., and I thought "I'd love to go. I supported Bush again when he got re-elected, and these are the kinds of things you're supposed to go to when you get invited. They're opportunities. I didn't go because I didn't have any money to go from CA to D.C., and hotels and cabs etc. I remember when I lived in Sacramento, I spent a week's salary to go do a limbaugh dinner there, and all I got was a gift bag with a cigar and some crap, even though I "wrote the script for the limbaugh program" (it certainly APPEARS that his radio program at kfbk radio in Sacramento was an imitation on radio of what I had written in my newsletters) in 1982 when I wrote 7 weekly newsletters about liberal fascist political correctness on campuses BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE like Dinish D'Souza or Diane Ravitch or Tammy Bruce in 1992 and 2003 or so, so I got burnt by that, so I figure if anybody wants help me/work with me/support my projects, that we can talk it over in emails or in blogs or by phone. I'm always willing to go to Moscow or D.C. when expected. But, anyway, Ed's response to his thank you note was "Dear David, Thank you so much for this generous contribution. It will help us to continue our work to avoid a looming catastrophe of US - Russia military confrontation and switching the relations to partnership. Ed" I was somewhat taken aback by his words "looming catastrophe of US - Russia military confrontation" and I wondered for a bit whether he was pushing my buttons with an exaggeration to test my ability to assess things. Upon reflection I don't think he was, and if Ed says things are bad, then that is probably the consensus in Moscow and, after all, Putin recently said that U.S./Russia relations are at an all time low. You see, I don't claim to be a Russia expert, but more informed and insightful that the average educated American, especially since 2012 or so when I was invited and started attending World Russia Forums in D.C. I mean, there was Georgia, and the Ukraine issue is still going on, but especially Syria where we're playing a real dicey game with Trump bombing a Syrian site where Russians had been (albeit informing the Russians that aforehand that we were going to do it), and now Russia now declaring a "do not cross line" West of the Euphrates, I believe. So I believe we are very close to the very real possibility of Russian and American planes shooting each other out of the sky there. Is it worth it? Abolutely not. We could solve the Syria and Georgia problem overnight (or in a week) if the U.S. and Russia would work together, get realistic. You know, I've been in El Paso, TX a month or two, and I cross to Juarez, MX several times a week. I noticed a little sign at the crossing building with three little flags, Canada, U.S., and Mexico, and something about working together, keeping borders safe or something like that, and I thought, "Russia's little sign would have a lot more flags, a dozen or two, I guess." I believe they have North Korea, China, all the Stans, etc. The Baltics, Poland, Ukraine, etc., and they're very very close to Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria (I don't have a world map right now and I'm not even taking the time to look at my scribbled napkins and 3 X 5 cards and flyers and financial statements, scribbled on). So Americans, like spoiled little entitled brats living rich and spoiled in the suburbs, just don't get it, don't want to think about it, REFUSE to think about it, that RUSSIA LIVES IN A BAD NEIGHBORHOOD! ******* So now, Sunday June 25, cnn news is saying breaking news is that Russia hacked 21 states' voting systems, lke a burglar rattling doorknobs. So it goes on and on and on Don't you just love the phrase "Russia Meddling?" It seems to be a phrase with no meaning. What does meddling mean? It sounds like a sexual offense, like child abuse, "Putin is meddling." It's like talking about "Putin aggression" after our assistant secretary of state apparently engineered an overthrow of Ukraine's president to get an anti-Putin president on the doorstep of Russia, "Fuck the EU!" Bottom line is that Trump won and prevented hillary from becoming president, Thank God! If Trump accomplishes nothing else and melts down from old age and pressure, he has still done the country well in that. This Russia thing is a fun story for the media and a great distraction for you motherfucking politicians in D.C., but there's nothing unusual about leaders of other countries preferring candidates or parties in other countries. Of course, military action to intervene is going too far (though our "fuck the EU" brat assistant secretary of state didn't seem to get that principle regarding Ukraine) but what the limits are between verbally exressing a preference on the one hand and military action on the other hand, is not clear. The fact is that the Snowden disclosures and the Wikileaks disclosures have shown the U.S. to be a deceitful, dirty cheater, listening to Merkel's phone call's, the president of Argentina's or wherever's phone calls, spreadin' ill will, distrust, and making deposits into the Bank Of Anger throughout the world. Hillary shouldn't have tried to depose Putin. ******* I wonder if the Russians have a mental health field, you know, psychologists and psychiatrists, etc. If so, one of my requests is that they get a team of their best available to evaluate me thoroughly top to bottom. I volunteer. I request it. You see, I bet that most countries in the world don't even HAVE such bullshit industries. Oh, except france, of course, and germany, where freud came from, and probably england and the commonwealth nations. But, after freud, it was basically invented and made up in the U.S., you know, Skinner at harvard, and so on. And what it is now is a nonsense industry that's used for punitive purposes and intimidation. I am willing to bet that the Russians will find me to be very psychologically and mentally sound, perhaps emotionally angry, but, hell, any warrior on the battlefield is going to feel fear and anger. That's not an emotional or psychological illness. To NOT feel these things is illness. People are motivated to protect and enhance their careers, and many careers are susceptible to fraud. The mental health industsry has been soundly mocked for having the following mental disorder, "disorder invention disorder." In other words, they can't stop inventing (making up out of their imaginations) new and usually silly and ridiculous "mental disorders." I ask the Russian mental health professionals to evaluate me in this regard inside out and upside down. You see, I bring this up now because, I believe that one of the measures of mental health, or whether a person is "crazy" or not, is whether they are rational and have a reasonably realistic understanding of the world around then. Don Quixote de la Mancha was "crazy" because he thought windmills were dragons, because it made everything else in his mind make sense if they were dragons, and not windmills, which they were. (of course, Don Quixote is fictional. I know that.) They called the steamboat, "Fulton's Folly" and called him crazy. The list is extensive. Galileo was punished by the Church and imprisoned for showing us that The Earth goes around The Sun, and so on... I have a hunch that The Russians may have discovered, from the information they got from the Snowden disclosures, that I was not planted by the U.S. government (a reasonable suspicion on their part based on a West Point brother, and my own military service and conservative arguments as an adult). I conjecture that Snowden's disclosures may have enabled The Russians to find FBI files on me, or other security files on me, showing that my government has been harassing me, and often, indeed regularly and systematically, thwarts me. This is a mere hunch, and I do not know whether it is so, or not, but I conjecture it. You see, this is where distrust and conflict cause problems everywhere, from familial, work and interpersonal and business relationships, to countries distrusting one another, and suspecting things. The first time I went to a World Russia Forum (in 2012, I believe) I was thwarted from renting a car at the car rental counter at Harrisburg International Airport. As I entered the car rental building, I saw a man in a suit, who looked like he could have been a law enforcement agent of some sort, hurry up to the counter, talk to the kid there, and hurry back out to the terminal. The kid then treated me rudely, insulted me, and refused to rent me a car. I called up the car rental customer service, and screamed and yelled, and got the car the next morning in time to get to my first Forum. Was this an agent, thwarting my effort to attend a Russia Forum? I don't know. I think so. It is my current interpretation of the world, but my world would not come crashing down if I found out that it was just some guy talking about something else, and the kid was just extremely, extremely rude and poor with customer service, UNUSUALLY RUDE. I believe in God, and like Rousseau suggests, I respect the religion of my birth, and as Thomas Paine concludes, there is a God, but most of religions are lies, because he knows that men lie regularly and often, but he's never known of a man to survive in the belly of a whale (or a big fish) EVER, except in one particular religious story. Usually, we can't even agree on the truth of today's breaking news, yet most people believe, BELIEVE


with all their heart and mind and soul about religious events that supposedly happened over 2,000 years ago, that would be thrown out of any court for their impossibility and absurdity were they to be brought up by a defendant in court. I, myself, believe that such things are POSSIBLE, maybe, and I am emotionally attached to these stories, because I was brought up with them, but I think it is CRAZY to BELIEVE TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY in these stories, so I believe that most Americans are mentally ill, because they have the minds of little children, which, I believe, is fundamentally a character flaw, being the lack of courage to be intellectually honest. They CAN'T be that stupid. It HAS to be a character flaw. ******* PROPOSALS "Thank you so much for taking part in our events on May 12 or 13 or just expressing interest in attending. As discussed, please send your proposals which you want to promote and we will do our best to help." (bold font placed there by me) "Our next project is the installation of Reagan - Gorby sculpture based on the attached photo at the "American Square" in downtown Moscow next to sculptures of Lincoln with Alexander II and Elbe river reunion. The event is taking place July 3, 2017. More information to follow." OK, so here we have an invitation to send proposals. This is somewhat reminiscent of the limbaugh thing. There is absolutely NOTHING at all delusional about what I wrote in 1982 at California State University Sacramento over a period of 7 weeks, or that I published and distributed them or that there were reactions at high levels, and it certainly SEEMS like limbaugh imitated me, or was inspired by me or was influenced by me, but I can't prove it (or maybe I have, to certain standards). So now an email from Ed which appears to be to the mailing list of (scores?) (hundreds?) (thousands?). I don't know. I never discussed a proposal with Ed, but with another attendee, so here goes. Here's what I propose, very roughly. OK, Ed, you see here I'm putting up some photos from Juarez MX but I only got one picture up because they ALL need to be resized to 300 pixels high in order to fit. This is a very rough page done in one day at McDonalds where I have electricity. Tomorrow (Monday) I will clean it up more and more. Still may be possible to go to Moscow if you think that is part of networking and people might want to meet me, but I am thinking Silicon Valley connections would be best for financing (loan, investment or grant) School could be non-profit, and then we could get grants, possibly from the big foundations that Diane Ravitch writes about that the billionaires set up that are putting so much money into charters and private and public schools. I've clarified some of my ideas on education recently so I'll be cleaning up the rants I have here. But anyway, better to get something started, so here's my first day's rough copy. ******* Basically, I'm talking about taking a presence in the Southwest of U.S., along Interstate 10 corridor, between Tucxon AZ and to El Paso/Juarez Education, of course, because as Rojansky says, that's the problem educate the people about Russia/U.S. and that Putin not a bogeyman also construction, trucking (fundamental stables) housing arts (singing, performance)


an abandoned plaza in Juarez
1/4 mile down street from Catedral Plaza 

View down Catedral Plaza with building with rentals on right
Catedral towers in distance
Museum towers closer on left
Office bldg near left 

Building with the rentals on ground floor
To Next Row
To Top 

Rental in center of building $500/mo 

Dress shop between the two available spaces 

Rental for $1000/mo on right corner of building
it was a restaurant
To Next Row
To Top 
To Next Row To Top
To Next Row To Top