white womens libbers and Minorities ?



womens libbers and minorities ?

Our Graduate Student didn't go to "The Graduate" any more. He spent most of his time writing in the state university's cafeteria or in his room with the typewriter and books. The harassment and intimidation wasn't CONSTANT. But it was always in the air. One of the principal issues that our graduate student was hip to from the very beginning was that the white womens libbers had piggy-backed on the civil rights movement. Just when the racial turmoil was ebbing, and the turmoil of the viet nam war was ebbing, a new cause was shreiking. Our graduate student remembered one spring day, probably in 1970, when he lay resting on the floor of an acquaintance's apartment. Several of them were preparing to go down to Washington, D.C. for a few days to participate in a huge war protest. He lay resting on the floor and heard the radio in the next room, "na na na na, na na na na, na na na na na na na, na na na" The privileged white women were revolting. "What the hell is this ?" he wondered. "What the hell are THEY whining about !? Don't they know we have a war to stop !?" More than fifty thousand young male Americans like him would die in that war. His cousin died in that war. His brother's roommate died in that war. No white American females died in that war, or maybe a handful, if any. No white American female was required by law to register with the Selective Service. White females were free to get out of high school and get a job and not worry about the draft. Nobody ever questioned a white female's honor or courage for avoiding possible slaughter or maiming in that war. No female died in the Battle of Gettysburg, either, where thousands of Union soldiers died fighting to end slavery. Our graduate student's mother was a feminist, or so she thought. She hated her husband, our graduate student's father, and made his life miserable, so if that made her a feminist, then indeed she was one. All through our graduate student's childhood and adolescence she threw tantrums, screaming and yelling and screaming and yelling for hours on end, throwing plates and dishes. She was a member of the business and professional women's association, she often pronounced proudly, sippin on a gin, as she sat with her legs crossed showing off her fat, stubby little legs in a miniskirt. "Awell now, I must asayuh," "uhminiskirtsuh ONLY uhlook uhgooduh on uhyoung-guh uhgirlzuh," she would often pronounce. Less than a decade later, she would murder the father of our graduate student and collect his AT&T retirement pension for the following 30 years. She had been sooo envious of her friend Reilly whose husband had died more than a decade earlier. Reilly's husband was a fireman and they leave good pensions to their widows ! Reilly moved into a luxury high rise and had a view of the NYC skyline and no bothersome husband ! ************************************************* So our graduate student put it to 'em

women and minorities ! women and minorities ! What A Lie !

they were sisters in suffering, hear them row, (like slaves on a slave ship I suppo), so our graduate student analyzed the oft repeated and repeated and repeated and repeated and repeated...phrase, "women and minorities". "First", wrote our graduate student, "let us analyze the 'minorities' part of the phrase", MINORITIES Black People black men black women black children Hispanic People hispanic men hispanic women hispanic children Asian People asian men asian women asian children "All right", he wrote, "we have now analyzed the 'minorities' part of the phrase. Now let us analyze the 'women' part of the phrase. "As you can see, most of the world's women have already been accounted for, above. Now, go out and get all the intellectually shallow, bratty, whining, shrieking, privileged, pampered, entitled white women's libbers, because that's all that's left, and THAT's what's meant by the 'women' in 'women and minorities'" Like I said, our graduate student was from New York City. God announced yesterday that he was displeased with Humanity and that he would destroy the earth this afternoon. This morning's headlines read

God To Destroy Earth ! Women And Minorities Hardest Hit !