
the vastness of it all

Well, we made it through Alaska pretty much. "pretty match," I should say.

Huh ?

Pretty match. Ya ever notice how radio people talk, tv, too, but I notice it on the radio. They lisp like the littlest girl on "The Brady Bunch." The female announcers, mostly, but some males too. They must learn it in speech school. "Open your moutn REAL wide when you speak." That must be what they're taught. It effects their "a"s. For example, they would say, "It eff acts" their "a"s. It makes a lot of their "a"s and "e"s sound like the "a" in "hat." When you say "hat," you open your mouth wide like when you go to the doctor and the doctor says, "open wide." Like the word "bet." They pronounce it as "bat." One of the things that used to drive me up the wall was on PBS when they said, that major funding for a program came from... But they pronounced "major" like "nature." So they said, "may ture funding for this program comes from..." It seems like nobody else could hear that but me. Or like when the radio and some tv people would say, "eee is" for "is" or "ooo on" for "on," or some politicians used to say "yesh" instead of "yes." It's just annoying. There's got to be a reason. Like the aural equivalent of body language. You know how they have that body language girl come on the O'Reilly show on Fox and analyze everybody's body language ? They oughtta have somebody analyze those quirky speech trends and fashions.

What Does This Have To Do With The Conspiracy ?

Nothing. But, it's my fucking book and I'll write what I damn please.

Are You A Little Depressed Or Sad ?

Yeah. But I'm not gonna talk about it. Besides, it can be good for writing. Gives you a kind of "fuck it !" attitude. That can be good for writing. Just move forward. Keep going.

So, We're Done With Alaska ?

Oh, we could go on forever. Maybe I'll write a sequel, or put in a large appendices for each chapter. But we have to move on with the main thread. I want to make sure that gets done. I don't want the main story to get lost in the details, although a certain amount of detail is illuminating. I want to get the first rough draft done in less than a week. It's October 6, and the midterm elections are on November 2. And I want to apply for a doctoral program at NYU. The deadline for that is December 15, but I want to have my app in by November 15. I want to send a copy of the rough draft to Dr. Ravitch. I want her to have plenty of time to read it before the admissions decision is made. But, we covered Alaska. The bus incident, the nurse and the e coli incident, the bitch up there at the job fair in Fairbanks, the job in Red Devil where the other teacher was murdered probably, bobbette bush in Aniak telling me "we never gave you a chance." Take it for what it's worth. The incident in Texas that ruined my relationship with the Air Guard. THAT may have been conspiracy related. Who knows ? That's the problem with a vast overarching conspiracy like this. There are a few instances when you can pretty clearly say, "GOTCHA !" when it's pretty clear that there has to be connectivity to the conspiracy because there's no other reasonable explanation. All the rest of the incidents are on this vast continuum from not connected (stuff that just happened and would have happened anyway) to very connected. Then there were the three incidents with the univ of ak. One was when Our Graduate Student was taking a class in the History of Alaska to renew his credential. The teacher railed on about how "no one who EVER said the nword should EVER be allowed in a classroom to teach." Of course, that's COMPLETELY connected because Our Graduate Student wrote the nword twice in His 1982 Newsletters, once when he was quoting that shallow squeaky feminist bitch who equated the status of women's libbers to that of slaves, and once when he was exhorting African Americans to submit their opinions regarding her offensive claim. The second incident at uaa was when he was removed from that incredibly loony and offensive feminist's class for "making a directive statement." The third incident was a direct result of that. This time the culprit was a "useful idiot," an up and coming conservative Republican white male. He was the administrator at Matsu Community College, the small community college a few hundred yards down the gravel road that ran to Our Graduate Student's cabin. The community's public library was located at Matsu College. The up and coming useful idiot young Republican white male told OUr Graduate Student that he would have to check in with him every time he came on campus. Our Graduate Student went to the library there a couple of times and that administrator had his janitors and maintenance boys jumpin' into their four wheel drive pickemup trucks and peelin' out all around campus rushin' to tell security and the administrator and have Our Graduate Student arrested for goin' to the library in his backyard. That's one of the reasons he bought that lot, because there is a community college a few hundred yards down the road. Our Graduate Student is an educator, remember ? Like I said, they're useful idiots. Clueless. Playing right into the hand of the liberal fascist conspiracy. So their behavior was outrageous and so Our Graduate Student went down the uaa in Anchorage to the president's office. Right away he was getting the runaround and he didn't have the time or patience for that kind of crap considering all he'd been through, so he told them he was a reporter for The Anchorage Daily news. They let him in right away to chat with the "provost" or "vicar" or "czar" or whatever they hell they are. That other young up and coming white guy useful idiot there at uaa in Anchorage was very polite to Our Graduate Student the reporter, but, when Our Graduate Student told him he was an aggrieved student, he got all uppity and bitchy and contacted the president and the newspaper and sent Our Graduate Student a letter banning him from uaa. Like I said, useful idiots. Even though those guys worshipped at the altar of rush limbaughism, and Our Graduate Student was nothing less than The Creator, the very God of rush limbaughism, the useful idiots crucified him, tossed him under the Republican bus, stoned him, while the feminazis snickered, chuckled, and laughed out loud. So, yeah, we're done with Alaska. Like I said, Our Graduate Student then murdered a girl and fled to california to escape capture, or so goes their mythology, I guess. In the fall of 2008, Our Graduate Student finds out from Neil Katz of CBS News that he had a "false positive dna" on him for that murder, whatever the hell that means. I think it means somebody lied and cheated to set him up. That's what I think it means. And, if they didn't finally find the real murderer in jail somewhere in New England, Our Graduate Student would still be the suspect in that attempted frameup, I guess. Like I said, U.S.Senator barbara boxer tried to frame him with bankruptcy fraud around 2004, and that's a certaintly. And that was DEFINITELY connected to the conspiracy. In fact, that was one of many incidents in the first decade of the 2000's, that made Our Graduate Student finally realize that there actually WAS a liberal fascist feminazi conspiracy against him. So Our Graduate Student left Alaska and returned to california to be home for his daughter's Sweet Sixteen Birthday. We'll start talkin' about california, that next stage chronologically, tomorrow. Today, we wanna take a break. We've earned it. So, we're gonna talk about the vastness of it all number sense constructivist thinking donohue boys to harvard videos for education


Once again...Huh ?

It's hard writin' a book. Once you get goin', you get so many ideas you can't hold them in your head at one time. Then those ideas come and go and you evoke new memories and new insights once you start goin' back into the details of your history. So last night I was chillin' and I got this thought chain and I thought, "That's good. Jot it down." So I did. Like I said, it's my book. Fuck you all. None of this "My Dearest Reader" shit for y'all. I don't expect none of you bastards to be able to understand me anyway. You conservatives are too fucking stupid. You'll just get some law enforcement kinda guy to profile me after readin' my book which he'll NEVER be able to understand and he'll say I'm crazy. And the ones who DO understand me, the clever liberals, THEY'LL consider me to be dangerous, too, because I expose their mythologies. You know, "been there. done that kinda thing." Hello ? The 1982 Newsletters. I changed the country, changed radio, preceded D'Souza and Ravitch, maybe even created FOX News cuz after all, they're all just limbaugh copycats. And that's pretty much what happened last time. The conservatives COULDN'T undestand me because they're a bunch of ignorant dolts, and the liberals intentionally misunderstood me. So, Fuck you all. It's my God damned book. I'll just write it for me and God. You, my dear reader (not), can go to Fucking HELL. So, here goes. I'm thinkin' about the complexity of everything last night when I'm chillin'. I mean, why can't be just find simple answers ? Because. The world is so big and dynamic, that's why. It's NOT a small world after all. It's huge and teeming and dynamic today, yesterday, for a long time. For one thing, there's more than 6 billion people on it. I mean, look at tok, alaska, population rounds to a thousand. And even there, there's a lot of life goin' on. I mean, I'm one person and I go there for 3 - 5 days, and I come back with a whole story and philosophy. Now think of a thousand toks and put them all together. That ain't even a big city. A thousand thousand is just a million. Take six of them thousand thousands and put 'em in one place, THEN you got a big city, a big city of 6 million, but we got cities even bigger than that. The whole world does. There's cities of 10, 15, 20 million all over the place. I don't know how many. You take a 6 cities that are each as big as a thousand toks and you got a city of 6 million. Six million is enough people to make a decent sized country. A thousand of them countries of six million. We got more than many people on this planet. Number sense. Some of them flaky liberal educators talk about that kind of stuff. Problem is, most of 'em probably don't know what they mean when they're sayin' it. They just heard it at some high falutin' teachers' convention where everybody was talkin' about somebody famous with maybe a French name, like Piaget or something. But it's true. It's important. Stuff like that is why people can't understand things. A lot of it is due to emotions and psychology, but a lot of it is due to evolution. See, the reason people adhere to their mythologies is for psychological and emotional reasons. Be they religious mythologies or shallow FAKe liberal mythologies, they're comforting and provide a world-view within which to function, and a sense of belonging. You belong to the group that shares your mythology. So that's the emotional and psychological kind of thing. But some stuff is just due to evolution. Malcolm Gladwell talks about this a bit (CITE IT) I think I talked about it earlier. He talks about brain development and group size, how apes have smaller groups, and how ideal human groups max out at about 150. After 150 members, it gets too complicated for people to keep track of everybody else and what all's goin' on. Now we all have a sense of what 100 or 200 is. Maybe 300 was the size of your class in high school, and a thousand the size of the high school. We all know what a mile is, or a ten-minute walk, or even a 1-hour drive, or a hundred miles,If y but do you really have a sense of 2 or 3 thousand miles. Try walking across the U.S., or even driving back and forth a lot. It'll start to sink in. You see where I'm goin' with this idea of "number sense" ? It can apply to numbers of things, distance, and time, too. If you're standing on the equator, your're spinning around about 1,000 miles an hour. We're only travelling around the sun at 60 miles an hour, but the sun's spinnin' around the Milky Way a lot faster than that. And how fast is the Milky Way movin' ? Now, with 6 billion people in the world, how many events, interactions, and thoughts occur each minute ? A lot. I think there's a half million minutes in a year. If every person was a minute, that's be 500 toks of minutes, almost ten thousand hours in a year (8760). How many breaths, how many heartbeats, how many words of love, words of anger, agreements made, agreements completed, agreements broken, bullets and arrows shot and spears thown ? How many meetings convened and how many words spoken at them ? How many fiery, impassioned speeches made and how many words ever spoken or written ? How many times has each letter of the alphabet been printed or displayed ? A lot. How many words have EVER been spoken ? How many bits of dna have EVER existed. How many seconds since the Big Bang, in 4.5 billion years, since the Cambrian Explosion 500 million years ago ? With a half a million seconds in a year, that's 250 million million seconds. That's a lot of seconds. Then, if you calculate the square inches on earth that are exposed to sunlight each second, you see that that's lot of energy over a big area for a long time. It's hard to conceive. That's the point. It boggles the mind. We evolved to think of groups as big as 150 or so. Thinking big, and even real small, is hard. Isaac Asimov used to be good at that. He'd count the atoms and electrons and protons and neutrons in the universe, and with billions of galaxies and billions of stars in each galaxy, that's a lot of atoms ! I've heard him referred to as "The Great Explainer," and I think he was. Of course, now I hear other people referred to with that moniker (that's a fancy word for name) In "Death and Life of the Great American School System," Diane Ravitch enumerates a half dozen or a dozen govenors who called themselves "the education governor," along with at least one "education president." "I hereby call Our Graduate Student "The Great Explainer." But the point is that number sense in important and it doesn't come naturally. It's separate from the ability to calculate correctly. Number sense means getting a feel for the bigness or smallness of numbers and the and the items, distances and times that they count and measure. We all hear about billions of dollars in the news. But, when you stop to think that a thousand thousands is a million, and a thousand millions is a billion, when you think about that for a while, or maybe draw a picture of it, then you're developing your number sense. When you teach yourself like that by thinking about things or reflecting or imagining or by picking up a book of your choosing, you're constructing your own learning. Taken to an extreme, or as a "movement" in education, as Dr. Ravitch would say, the idea is a disaster. But when applied naturally by people like Abe Lincoln or Albert Einstein who taught themselves, or computer whizzes, or students at elite progressive schools that use the constructivist method, it's a fun and interesting and effective way to learn. Sometime back in the Jurassic or Cambrian period Donohue did a show on home schooling and he focused on these two brothers who were brought up on a farm in Northern California. The parents weren't farmers, but professionals who decided to buy a farm and live in a rural setting. The boys were home-schooled and taught themselves calculus, I think, and they both got perfect SAT scores and both went to Harvard. So What !? OK, I'll tell you what. That's the answer to education. Forget about "schools." We don't need "schools." Schools are a relatively recent invention anyway. We don't need "traditional public schools." That's an emotionally packed buzz phrase. It conjures to the mind architecturally beautiful buildings that make us feel warm and secure and the phrase conjures to mind Mrs. Ratliff, and Opie's teacher and Beaver Cleaver's teacher, but they're just buildings. We hardly need school buildings at all. And we sure as heck don't need legions of those money-sucking union members and Democratic machine supporters called teachers. All we need are good videos and good books. Focus on the curriculum. Get the best subject matter experts to write the best books and make the best videos. Schools can just be an option. You don't need teachers much. You need babysitters and security guards and social directors. Focus on videos and books and stop thinking about "schools." There's got to be thousands of different ways to do it other than just herding kids into rooms where they have to sit so legions of annointed "teachers" can collect great salaries. When I think of my best teachers, I think of books I've read or videos I've seen. It started out with the Weekly Reader in third grade. I learned about Alaska and Hawaii becoming our 49th and 50th states. In fourth grade, my friend Fred Miceli used to bring in "How and Why Wonder Books" and share them with me. I learned about dinosaurs and ice ages and lots of other stuff. I couldn't get enough of those books. Imagine that ! I learned from my classmate who was provided his instructional materials by his parents, just like those brothers on the Donohue show ! We didn't need a teacher for that. We just needed a quiet place to sit and someone to keep us on task. And so on, and so on, and so on... Where and with whom there's a multitude of options. At home. At a friend's home. Join a club. A math club. A science club. I told you how my mother put educational maps on my walls and controlled and guided our tv viewing and radio listening. I just get sick of all this endless talk about saving and improving our "schools." Schools are a place teachers go to get paid really well. Learning is what we really need, and excellent educational videos and fantastic books can be the meat and potatoes of learning. Sure. Experiences, outings, activities. That's good too. But what we know and think are the fundamentals of learning and most of that can come from excellent videos and books. The parents and community just have to work out what the setting will be. At home ? Small neighborhood groups ? Subject oriented clubs ? merit badges. do what you want and get credit for it. Ok, that was my rant for today. Tomorrow I'll discuss Our Graduate Student's return to california. the rush limbaugh dinner attacked by neighbor and on Judge Judy (THAT was probably conspiracy connected) selling and getting out of the neighborhood Palm Springs and Burbank (connected) back to davis, ca and walnut grove, ca The Conspiracy Exposed U.S.Senator barbara boxer tries to frame him with fraud. yolo county education administrator tries to entrap him with fraud. Attempt to get him committed (the PTSD story) the rino schwarzenegger unfairly prosecutes him for felony fraud. The conspiracy's obsession with getting him as a "fraud" is telling. They desperately wanted to label him as a fraud so they could discount all the truths that he told. Til tomorrow then.


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Very Easily.