
Connectivity. Connectivity. What's The Connection ?

Rosa Parks And Our Graduate Student

Hint. Our Graduate Student Refused To Get Out Of His Seat On The Bus. But Wait. There's More... ****************************************************************************

Where Do We Begin Today ?

I don't know. The further you get into a story, the more options you have. There are so many roads we have come to that deserve exploring. For example, getting thrown off the bus like that is pretty unusual and remarkable. And, in hindsight, knowing that there is a conspiracy directed from the highest levels, it makes it impossible not to consider that that incident (getting thrown off the bus by a black female) was part of the conspiracy.

How So ?

Well, they were always throwing allegations of racism in in Our Graduate Student's face. For example, later, in (2004 or so) when U.S. Senator barbara boxer tried to frame Our Graduate Student with bankruptcy fraud, the compliant conspiratorial attorney, the white-boy attorney philip? lamphier, lectured Our Graduate Student about brown vs. the board of education as they sat outside barbara boxer's door. Now, Our Graduate Student had never criticized that decision in his life. He never even talked about it. He was 3 years old at the time of that decision. So, they were fighting a battle against a straw man that they had created, not against Our Graduate Student, who was sitting and dining with African Americans at lunch counters in the sixties and who picked up black riders in Manhattan as a cab driver in the seventies. But it is the liberal fascist mythology. They WANTED Our Graduate Student to be a racist. They believed that he was. They had to. It was part of their mythology that he was so. They NEEDED racists to justify their existence. Without racism white liberals had no raison d'etre. As long as there was racism then the existence of the white liberal was justified. That's how they got elected to office. They had to have racism to fight. And, if we overcame racism, then they'd invent new kinds of racism (implied racism, institutional racism, etc...). If they couldn't find it, then they'd invent it. And, if they couldn't find racists, then they'd invent them. Any white man with a pulse would do. We'll talk about this a bit in a minute, but first let's continue this thread. This is a main thread of the conspiracy against Our Graduate Student. They told The Big Lie. The theory of The Big Lie is that if you constantly shout nonsense loud enough and long enough, that people will get used to it and accept it. So the liberal fascist Big Lie myth about Our Graduate Student was the charge of racism. He just brushed it all off all the time because he always knew it was untrue. He'd lived and worked with African Americans since the sixties and he treated them as fellow human beings. He did not put them on a pedestal as white liberals do romanticizing their musical abilities, rhythm, and sexuality, and he did not patronize them the way liberals do, always finding excuses for the violence and low socioeconomic levels of their communities, their lack of industry and low educational achievements. "The asians could succeed despite racism," reasoned Our Graduate Student, "then so could African Americans.' But the white liberals perceived any inequality of result to be caused by white male racism and they would find and create white male racists where none existed for their own personal self-gratification, to justify their reason for being, to justify the reason why shallow white liberals should even exist at all. D'Souza presents a shocking expose of these liberal mythologies in "Illiberal Education." He shows how, by using intimidation and radical political tactics and strategies (QUOTE JERRY RUBIN HERE) they established completely new and separate subject departments on even the most elite campuses and created MYTHOLOGIES which they presented as truth, the equivalent of presenting cartoons as the news. The twofold effect was , first, to elevate these mythological cartoons to the status of elite scholarship that used to be associated with these top tier universities. The second effect was to dumb down the elite universities which now allowed nonsense to be taught under their banner. So, in retrospect, we see that Our Graduate Student was selected by the shallow FAKE liberal fascists to be the "white racist" that they needed to justify their existence, because he did not subscribe to the FAKE romanticizing and patronizing liberal MYTHOLOGIES about African Americans. Now, with this understanding, we re-evaluate all of Our Graduate Student's experiences since 1982, or even since 1978. Now, let's go back to sac city (the sla hideout) where he studied, worked, and socialized with Rosa Pak all year during the 1984 to 1985 school year.

Rosa Parks ?! He Studied and Worked and Socialized With Rosa Parks All Year ! Was SHE Captured And Indoctrinated By THe sla, too ?! Was Rosa Parks Fleeing The Federalis, Too, Like Sancho Panza And Mary Jane Olson doncha think ? Were They All Livin' Underground On The Lam From The Feds ? This Is Just Too Too ! It's Just Too Exciting and Romantic ! Too Intriguing...Too...


What ?

First of all, you said "Too Too," not "Too Too Too." Be consistent. Secondly, "Too Too" was Our Graduate Student's neighbor, a little Laotian boy who lived two houses down. Thirdly, it was Rosa Pak, not Rosa Parks, that Our Graduate Student knew at sac city (the sla hideout).

My! That Sounds An Awful Lot Like "Rosa Parks," Doesn't It ?!

Yes, it does. And, since Rosa Pak was about 17 or 18 in 1984, she was born soon after the time when Rosa Parks refused to move from her seat on the bus. There's a very good chance that Rosa Pak was named "Rosa" in honor of Rosa Parks, just like Our Graduate Student named his daughter Daun Rose Scully to respect and honor his mother, Rosemary Delaney Scully. After all, "Rosa" is not exactly an asian name, so it begs the question, "Why was Rosa Pak named 'Rosa'?"

OK, OK. Point well taken.

That's exactly what Rosa said to Our Graduate Student one day. She was very sharp, very good at math, extremely well trained at math. I don't know how much to go into their friendship right here and now. They took math classes together, tutored together at the math/science lab, socialized and joked together (just as friends), and she once offered him a position on the Student Council to replace someone who left, but it didn't seem right to him to accept because he thought it was part of the feminist faculty's attempt to humiliate him. He felt that if he accepted, the feminist faculty would create an issue of it claiming that he was "a fraud" who hadn't earned the position by being elected. He wasn't there seeking endless conflict the way the liberal fascists do. They base their careers on conflict and contrive it when they can't find it. He instinctively felt that the offer by Rosa may have been a set up for such conflict, whether knowingly or unknowingly by Rosa. In retrospect, he now says that he should have taken the position on the chance that it was genuinely offered and, in that case, would have been a good experience. One day Our Graduate Student made a wager with Rosa about the outcome of their scores on a math test. He insisted on a 20-point advantage, and he won the bet. (She got 100 and he got 80 or 81. He's quite certain the professor learned of the bet from her, because she was a blabbermouth, and mischievously scored their tests that way.) One night they were out dancing with a bunch of students and she came over and started to tutor him on how to dance Until he laughed and told her this wasn't the math lab. She had a way of doing that, of encouraging people the way you would encourage a child. "Very Good !" "That's Terrific ! Wonderful !" she would often gush like that with approval to an adult student. Our Graduate Student half smiled, half cringed when he heard her doing that across the room. Finally he suggested to her that she should talk to them more like they were adults. Rosa applied to UC Berkeley and was really upset when she wasn't accepted. Dinesh D'Souza does an excellent discussion of this in "Illiberal Education," Chapter 2, titled "More Equal Than Others, Admissions Policy At Berkeley." D'Souza describes the case of Yat-pang Au who applied to UC Berkeley in 1987 and was rejected. "Yat-pang's credentials were not in question," writes D'Souza (p. 24), "He graduated first in his class." D'Souza continues in that paragraph for 11 more lines with a list of accomplishments so long that I would be testing "fair use" and perhaps verging on plagiarism were I to quote it. Just read the book. "Popular with techers and students alike, Yat-pang was described by his school vice principal as 'one of the finest students I've ever encountered, and a real gentleman too.'" Like Yat-pang, Rosa Pak was on the student council. In fact, a few years ago, Our Graduate Student, living in Pennsylvania, listened to a national news report about events in california's Bay Area, and heard the name Rosa Pak (by then in her 40's) as the spokesperson for the asian community. "Thus Asians reacted with frustration, (p. 30) bordering on desperation, when they saw indications that the admissions rules seemed to be rigged against them." "After a two-year struggle, Yat-pang Au (p. 55) was admitted as a junior in the fall of 1989." A half a year later, Our Graduate Student would be thrown off the bus by an African American female bus driver, the victim of a racial hate crime in Anchorage Alaska. From Rosa Parks to David Scully in just 20 years. Was it a coincidence, or was it set up ? Was this some kind of cruel hoax or joke? Could this be more coincidence ? Or, were they fingering him everywhere he went ? These are questions that dance between the philosophical and the conspiratorial. Was it mere coincidence that a gifted woman of color with a name almost identical to "Rosa Parks" was enrolled in the same classes as our Graduate Student ? There ? At the sla hideout ? That might be a psychologically unbearable situation for a racist. And, in the liberal MYTHOLOGY, he was their racist, or at least the only one that even remotely resembled one that they could find. But they were living in the past. And they're STILL living in the 60's, their glory days when they got drunk and rolled in the mud and dressed like clowns and crowed that they were "changing the world." Then they finally changed their clothes. That Our Graduate Student actually enjoyed the collegiality of Rosa Pak was not their strategy. He was decades and decades ahead of them. Was it a mere coincidence that Our Graduate Student was thrown off of a bus by an African American woman ? Our Graduate Student "stood firm" and remained in his seat, just as Rosa Parks had remained in hers. Rosa Pak at sac city, the sla hideout. Thrown off a bus by an African American female 5 years later. You do the math.



Very Easily.


Very Easily.