
Illiberal Education



So, When Did OUr Graduate Student Flee california And Seek Refuge In Alaska ?

Late September or October, 1990. In 1991, Dinesh D'Souza published "Illiberal Education" so this is a good place to shed some light on his book and, at the same time, let his book shed much light on the social, political, and educational environment that Our Graduate Student had to put up with. It's a remarkable, extroadinary piece of scholarship. If Dr. Ravitch has not read it carefully, I implore her to do so. This book alone is provides a quality structure for a quality university curriculum. We could create our own univesity, more respectable and scholarly that harvard, berkeley, and stanford. Put together. A Quality University. Let's just cut to the chase. Open up your books to Chapter 7, class. You know, this chapter reminds me of the environment at sac state in the 80's. When Our Graduate Student returned there for the education and traffic school certificate, he recalls sitting in class one day and hearing a demonstration outside. It reminded him of 1979 when, every night on tv, America would watch the iranian demonstrators around the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. "ya ya ya, ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya death to america !" and so on. Seven years later, It sounded like that to Our Graduate Student, held hostage in the education building, surrounded by thousands of chanting ya ya sistuhs. "down with white men ! down with white men ! death to the graduate student ! death to the graduate student ! na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na. We're a bunch of brats ! We're a bunch of brats doin' what the 60's brats told us to do ! Yellin' like the 60's brats told us to do. na na na na..." Our Graduate Student walked a hall of the education building. A poster was on the wall. A poster for ridiule. A fat, little, bald, pathetic white man for the white bitches there to mock, for the students to mock during office hours. "That must be why bill harris and cotton johnson came running to my Organizational Meeting back in '82," thought Our Graduate Student. "They were clearly upset by the atmosphere in the education building. The feminist brats there were clearly doing something there that impelled them to run to me as their leader. But they buckled and caved at the first dirty look from a feminist or an administrator. Too bad bill harris and cotton johnson are COWARDS." Our Graduate Student actually got to see that ridiculous, fat, little, timid, bald, cowering, foolish, pathetic white man in the flesh, the next year at univ of pacific traffic/credential school. He was a principal of some school and they brought him into the class in order to show us, I guess, what a principal is like. sac state had the poster. uop brought the real thing. He huffed and puffed around, and expressed shock like a church lady. He went to his school's playground one day and some kid in a gang showed him a gun to scare him, and he was full or more "Oh My!'s than a church lady. Our Graduate Student expected him to faint in the telling, what with all his huffing and puffing, too. Dinesh D'Souza show us in "Illiberal Education" that ALL the white boys in the american universities are COWARDS. Let's see what D'Souza writes about the females. D'Souza was born and raised in India, by the way. He's Indian by ethnicity, not white. , (p. 202) "When Pete Schaub, a business major at the University of Washington at Seattle (that's up in the direction toward Alaska, by the way), enrolled in a Women's Studies class in early 1988, he expected to learn about 'the history of women and the contributions they have made... his mother was a 1960's rebel..." "'Introduction to Women's Studies'... was not what Schaub had expected. 'the traditional American family represents a dysfunctional family unit," asserted the female teachers, Brown and Langston, on the first day. Students who protested that their families were functional were shouted down by teaching assistants hired by Langston and Brown. 'Denial, denial,' they yelled in unison." (This reminds Our Graduate Student of a class he took at sac city, the sla hideout, in the early 80's, where the young white female instructor hired a bunch of mexican males to surround Our Graduate Student in class to annoy and bother him until he dropped the class.) Returning to D'Souza's "Illiberal Education," "A few days later Langston brought guest speakers to talk about masturbation. 'They said you don't need a man,' Schaub said. 'They proceeded to show how to masturbate with a feather duster, and they had dildos right there.'" (This reminds us of ANOTHER class at sac city, the sla hideout. Our Graduate Student enrolled in a class on human sexuality. A middle-aged white female instructor waddles around, beaming with enlightenment. The first day she conducts an exercise to "desensitize" the class to sexual words. "Repeat after me," she says, "Fuck, Suck, Dildo, Cunt..." to a disgusted class that appeared to have a significant proportion of normal people in it. Our Graduate Student didn't need to be harassed and intimidated to drop that class. Now, this part is really interesting because it mirrored what happened to Our Graduate Student in Alaska at the university of alaska in the early 1990's. D'Souza continues (p. 202), "When Professor Brown claimed that U.S. statistics showed that lesbians could raise children better than married couples, Schaub asked for the source. 'I asked after class,' Schaub said. 'I wasn't challenging her.' But the teacher 'wouldn't hear of it. She said: 'Why are you challenging me ? Get away from me. Just leave me alone''. A member of Brown's undergraduate circle called Schaub a 'chauvinist goddamn bastard.' The next day, Schaub was banned from class. The teacher had two campus police officers waiting in the hall to escort him away. Schaub protested to the administration, but nothing happened for several weeks.' He was advised by the dean to drop the course."

Well, It's All There, Isn't It ? I Mean, You Got The Crazy New Curriculum, The Politically Motivated Nonsense Curriculum Dumbing Down The universities. You Got The Bratty, Fascist Feminist. You Got The Cowardly Complicit dean. And You Have The Clueless Campus Police Enforcing This Outrageous Nonsense.

That's right. It makes you appreciate the rare dean like haro at sac city (the sla hideout) who defended OUr Graduate Student because he knew he was right. But it also shows the pattern, the standard tactic of the liberal fascist professor who cried "intimidation" when even an uncomfortable question was asked. A similar thing happened to Our Graduate Student at univ of ak as happened to that young man in D'Souza's book. Our Graduate Student was similarly removed from a class at the university of alaska. He was taking classes which he thought were required to renew his teaching credential. He enrolled in a class taught by some waddling 60's thing. She has a class outside on the lawn. The class sits in a circle like at a picnic and she encourages each in turn to 'open up' and talk about their 'issues' like drug abuse and their sexuality, like a new age therapy session. Our exasperated Graduate Student decides to confess to everything. "I have a $5,000 a day cocaine habit, and I just don't know HOW I get the money. I'm an aloholic, a woman-hater, a child molestor, a racist, and I'm gay. I line dance, sing karaoke, and I respect America as a great nation." It musta been those last three that offended her. That bit about the $5,000 a day cocaine habit was plagiarized. Some white female had impressed the class with that story in one of those "share it" education classes at the sac state traffic/credentialing school. Meanwhile, back in class in Alaska, she shows offensive films. One mocks white men. It was similar to that degrading poster that was posted in the hallway at the sac state education building. It was the trend to do so, it appears. Probably came down from harvard. Very advanced stuff. But Our Graduate Student recognized these techniques, from his childhood "word-fighting" days on Hazelwood Ave, as merely a form of mudslinging and ridicule. Again, a short, fat, clumsy, cowardly, awkward, timid, foolish and ridiculous middle-aged white man is portrayed as the female and minority members of the class smirk and chuckle. Then she shows a film about some american indian trying to build an indian Mount Rushmore. He, of course, is portrayed in a heroc light. Somehow, some way, at some point, Our Graduate Student expresses dissent. Despite the waddling witches repeated attempts to cut him off, he holds forth until he has fininshed his sentence. "All right, go ahead. continue," he says, after he had finished making his point. she's upset and says she doesn't want him in the class. Our Graduate Student maintains that he had a right to be in the class. The heated argument runs the predictable course. A minority male takes the white witch's side. White females sigh and moan and frown appropriately to indicate solidarity with waddling witch and minority male. Old white males apologize and beg forgiveness for Our Graduate Student's untoward outspokenness.

This Sounds Interesting. How Did It All Play Out ?

Predictably. Or, at least it would have been predictable for Our Graduate Student if he had read D'Souza more carefully, especially that part we just quoted. Our Graduate Student, knowing he was right, decided to be proactive and bring his case directly to the administration so that the campus police would be acting on his side the next time class convened so that he would be escorted safely into class under police protection like the little girl and the young man in the South in the fifties and the sixties. But the feminist administrator got back to Our Graduate Student. She told him he had violated university rules by making "Directive Statements" in class and that he was forbidden to attend that class for that reason.

"Directive fucking Statements ?" What The Hell Does THAT Mean ?

Well, apparently you didn't go to a catholic school like Our Graduate Student and J Lo did. If you did, in the sixth grade you would have learned how to diagram sentences and you would have learned that there are Interrogative Sentences (questions) and Imperative Sentences (commands) and Declarative Sentences (statements). Apparently, when Our Graduate Student finished making his point and said to the waddling feminist fascist witch, "OK, go ahead," THAT was a directive statement. Can't do that on the other side of the looking glass when you jump through rabbit holes.

So Then, If You're An Excessively Polite Simpleminded Christian From Palen Country, 40 MIles Away In Wasilla, And You Open The Door For A Waddling Witch And Say, "After You," Then You've Made A "Directive Statement" And You're Banned From Campus ?

Yes, that's right. That probably explains why you never see any of them Christian Fundmentalists on college campuses.

Yes. That Explains It. So, The Police Are There To Escort The Black Girl And The Young Black Man ONTO Campuses In The South, And They Are There To Keep The White Man, Especially The Veterans, AWAY From The Campus Up There In Alaska ?

That's right. As a matter of fact, since we're on this subject, the police escorted Our Graduate Student off of a bus in Anchorage because the hate-filled African American female driver didn't want him on the bus.

What !? I Don't Believe It. That's CRAZY ! You're Right, That IS Through The Looking Glass ! It's Backwards, Upside Down and Inside Out CRAZY ! THAT's No Way To End Racism ! Is That What They Call "Reverse" Racism ? That's Not The Reverse of Racism. That's Not The Opposite of Racism. It's An ESCALATION of Racism. Tell Me About That. I Definitely HAVE TO Hear It.

All Right. Well, in the Winter and Spring of 1991, the year Dinesh's book was published, Our Graduate Student was living in Anchorage without a car, staying at a hostel, and relying on public transportation, the anchorage bus system. He often took a bus across town to a mall called the Dimond Center. The buses were a little outdated and that caused a bit of a problem for collecting fares.

How So ?

Well, the bus had a receptacle for accepting coins, but not for accepting dollar bills. The fare was exactly one dollar. It seemed that nobody used coins. I can't remember why. Maybe it wasn't allowed. Coins are hard to count quickly when they're dropped in the box. Anyway, whatever the reason, this is the way it worked. Everybody stuffed a dollar bill into the coin box. But the coin slot was too small for bills. So often people would stand there, holding up the bus, trying to jam their dollar bill into a hole that was too small. The bill would crumple and they'd keep trying and wasting everyone's time. It was so stupid it was like burlesque, vaudeville comedy, only it wasn't funny. It was just annoying. So, Our Graduate Student observed that many regular riders got on the bus with their dollar bill tightly folded or rolled up and they snapped them right into the coin slot and went to their seats without delaying the bus. So, Our Graduate Student, Good Citizen That He Is, Did The Same Thing. He Always Got On The Bus With His Dollar Bill Rolled Up Tight And He Snapped It Into The Coin Slot, And Went To A Seat Withoug Delaying The Bus.

So How Did He Get Thrown Off The Bus ?

Racism got him thrown off the bus. One day he hopped on the bus, smiled and greeted the driver, as usual, and snapped his dollar bill into the coin slot, and sat down. The driver pulled away. They she started yelling and she pulled over and stopped.

What Was She Yelling About ?

Nobody seemed to know. Nobody could understand her. So, anyway, she pulled away again and then she started yelling and she pulled over again. Nobody knew what she was yelling about. So she pulled away...

Don't Tell Me. She Did It Again ?

Yup. She started yelling and she pulled over again and stopped. Now, Our Graduate Student was sitting near the front, about five feet back, and he looked into the mirror and he saw the driver looking at him, so he asked "Are you talking to ME ! She screamed that she was, and started yelling something like, "ha dallah in dah !" So, finally Our Graduate Student figures out that she's accusing him of putting half of a dollar bill in the coin slot. High school kids did that sometimes. They'd rip a dollar bill in half, roll it or fold it tight and put it in the coin slot.

So, Then What Happened ?

Well, Our Graduate Student told her that he put a dollar in there and told her she had no business yelling at him. So she yelled louder and told him to be quiet and he said, "No. you be quiet." And she said, "no, you be quiet. And he said, "No. you be quiet first." Remember. Our Graduate Student was a 10th degree black belt word fighter from Hazwelwood Avenue in Newark. This was child's play.

So THEN What Happened ?

So, a few moans or sighs had arisen in the bus, and Our Graduate Student is thinking that maybe they, too, were exasperated with that unbelievably rude bus driver. Meanwhile, she'd stopped the bus again and said something into her radio microphone and we just sat and waited. Then this old white guy comes over and sits next to Our Graduate Student and identifies himself as a "retired principal," and began to counsel Our Graduate Student like a misbehaving high school boy in trouble. Our Graduate Student didn't know whether to laugh at him or spit on him. "did you put a dollar in there," he asked. "Yes. I did," replied Our annoyed, but still polite good citizen Graduate Student. They waited. And waited. And Waited. And waited. Finally the police come. The bus driver jumps out and talks to them. They step into the door and ask Our Graduate Student to please come out. He complies. The bus drives away. The police apologize and drive him to his destination, to the hostel in downtown Anchorage. Our Graduate Student enters his hostel and finds that the bus had already arrived downtown and some of the riders were there at the hostel. Apparently, their understanding of the event was that it was another horrible example of the terrible racism in America, a racist white man and the poor vicimized african american driver. It's just amazing how people stick to their MYTHOLOGIES and twist reality around to conform to those MYTHOLOGIES. A lot of those foreign students come to America forewarned that "racism's everywhere" in America. You know, THEY have their liberal fascist universities, too. Apparently, though, they hadn't run into any real racism so they musta figured that incident on the bus would do. I suppose when they went back to france or sweden or wherever they could regale their friends and family with the story of that horrible example of racism that they themselves had experienced personally. "yes ! Yes ! An angry mob of skinheads rocked the bus until the poor, feeble black bus driver, in her nineties, fearfully got off the bus (to save the rest of us). They had her up on the gallows, about to hang her from a nearby tree as her great great grandchildren, working their way through harvard medical school, in Alaska to visit their beloved matriarch who sent them her check every month for tuition, wept and prayed. At the last moment the police arrived." I suppose the story has grown to something like that in the classrooms and hostels of france and sweden.

Was She Really In Her Nineties ?

No. Forty or so. We just had to make a really good MYTHOLOGY for those eurohostlers and american liberal brats.

So Did Our Graduate Student Just Let It Go.

Dude. Hello ? We're writing a fucking book about it. Don't you know Our Graduate Student yet ? You think he takes this kinda shit lyin' down ?


I want you to think real hard, real good. In fact, I think I already told you. What do you think Our Graduate Student, The Newsletter Writer who wrote Newsletters the way Martin Luther King did, what do you think he picked up a pen and paper and did ?

um... He Said "Oh Gosh Darn, I Hate Gettin' Thrown Off Buses ?"

Very funny. So, he wrote a letter to her supervisor describing the event truthfully and accurately.

Then What Happened ?

I think he followed it up with a phone call and the supervisor said they were sorry. Then, about a year later, Our Graduate Student actually got hired there as a bus driver.

Was He Warmly Welcomed Into The Fraternity And Sorority of Bus Drivers ?

Not really. There was a core of hostile assholes the union fanatics, who fucked with him from day one. Part of is was a class thing. Our Graduate Student was an educated activist, driving just to make a living. They were union wannabe thugs. The son of one of them committed a well-publicized murder, and of course the thug dad bus driver posted a statement on the wall stating that his son the murderer didn't do it and would surely be found innocent. So, who made Our Graduate Student a suspect in the subsequent murder of that Alaska girl? And how did it come about that they got a "false positive" dna on Our Graduate Student ? I'd like to know the answer to these things. Then there was another faction that was trying to "Save" him. You know. Palen country people. The excessively polite christians who never set foot on university campuses and hence have no fucking idea what nonsense goes on there

So Our Graduate Student Worked With That Bus Driver Who Had Him Removed From The Bus ?

Actually, he worked for her. Soon after he got hired, she ran her bus into the back of a truck that was stopped at a stoplight. He visited her in the hospital. Then they made her a dispatcher 'cause she couldn't drive, I guess.

Did She Ever Apologize For What She Did ?

Nope. She did something like that again to somebody else, apparently. Our Graduate Student overheard some talk, but he never bothered to get the details. She'd do some race baiting sometimes for her own personal self-gratification. One day Our Graduate Student was there checking in to drive and she's laughing with her crony, "Why should i go back to africa ? I'm havin' too much fun here giving HIM a hard time. ha ha ha." There was this one young male black driver who would always relieve Our Graduate Student late. Since that driver was coming off of a 15 minute break at the downtown transit center which was only ten minutes away, he HAD to be doing it on purpose. So, one day Our Graduate Student asks him why he's so late.

"because that's the way it is !"

he yelled. But then all of a sudden, that black female dispatcher was doin' damage control. He musta told her about it and then they got scared knowin' they were wrong. Our Graduate Student had developed a reputation for blowing the whistle on EVERYONE. He didn't give a fuck. He just wasn't gonna take it. And why should he ?

I'm With Ya. So, It Sounds Like Alaska Sucks.

Yeah. The usual suspects caused the usual problems. But, Our Graduate Student went up there to TEACH, so let's get back to D'Souza's "Illiberal Education, The Politics of Race and Sex on Campus." (pp. 208 - 209) Dinesh talks about a woman's studies class at harvard which, he says, "is fairly representative of numerous women's studies classes I attended, at harvard, and elsewhere." "The atmosphere...resembled a political rally... almost entirely female." 25 females, 3 men. "A student went to the board and put up a poster of a 'Fifty Foot Woman': everybody smiled at this emblem of female power." (contrast this with the poster at sac state of the wimpy, timid, helpless, little fat white man, and the video of the same shown at univ of ak anchorage.) "It was time to describe their term papers. A male student volunteered to provide 'a feminist reading of ernest hemingway'. Loud chudkles. Jardine offered a friendly jibe at 'Ernest.' The students weighed in, everybody commenting on 'Ernest' and his famous misogyny." Then Comes This. "When I lectured in Dallas at the Booker T. Washington High School, I was preceded by Dr. Louise Cowan, the brilliant literary scholar who founded the institute in 1980. Dr. Cowan spoke about re-reading Moby Dick, and she had the audience enthralled with her depiction of Captain Ahab as the first modern terrorist, determined to sacrifice everyone's life, including his own, in pursuit of vengeance. By the time she was done, this grand woman of 90-plus years had inspired many of her listeners to re-read that wonderful classic novel with new eyes" and a hate-filled, white-man-hating mind. Moby Dick, Dick, Dick, Dick, Dick, Dick, Dick. What is it about that word for the enthralling new-age feminist scholar re-readers ? Oops, wait a minute. This paragraph came from Diane Ravitch's blog. I guess that "re-reading" stuff is still all the fashion in pedagogical girly circles. I recommend re-reading "Illiberal Education" and re-reading it and re-reading it and re-reading it and re-reading it and re-reading it and re-reading it and re-reading it, and so on... Anyway, back to Dinesh's "Illiberal Education" (p. 209). "A female student gave a precis of her paper... about tribal conflict in South Africa. This brought gasps of admiration." "Throughout these descriptions one female student offered ribald one-liners about a man who lost his penis, penises that were cut off, accidents in which every part of the victim was recovered - except the penis. These brought loud and unembarrassed laughter from the professor and other students." and Moby Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick too, no doubt. Our Graduate Student attended the university of california, davis for a year and a half and got his B.A. degree in history there. Indeed, perhaps this whole story should have started there with a term paper he wrote in 1978 for a history class titled, "European Intellectual History from 1870 to 1890 or so" The thrilling (so described in a student publication) professor lunn spent more time talking about the feminist movement, bob dylan, and nixon than about anything else. One female brought her child to class all the time. Our Graduate Student wrote him a rather brilliant term paper which reflected the subject matter of the class quite well, as it was taught in the class. He was given an "F" for the course and...

Don't Tell Me ! He Wrote A Letter !

Yes. As a matter of fact, he did. It was just an informal hearing with some student. Our Graduate Student considers that "F" to be a mark of honor and distinction. He's very proud of it. To be scorned by FAKE liberal fascists is a noble deed, indeed. And, in retrospect, he believes THAT may be the reason they harassed him so much at sac state in 1981 and 1982. You see, education is so politicized, and it started in the sixties. Just read "The Troubled Crusade" and "Illiberal Education." I can only give you tasty trailers here. But, anyway, that 1978 term paper was probably photocopied and transmitted to the educators and politicians there in the sacramento/davis area, wherever he went. So, back to Dinesh (p. 211), "women's studies professor sandra gilbert of the university of california at davis compares feminism to a religious conversion, noting that 'most feminist critics speak like people who must bear witness, people who must enact and express in their own lives and words the revisionary sense of transformation." Yeah. Like a cult. Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick. The bookstore at uc davis had study guide, one of those two-sided plastic sheets like "Quick Notes." It stated that current feminist philosophers considered "all intercourse to be rape." Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick Cheney, the first modern terrorist. And Lynn's not my BFF any more ! I wannabe Paris Hilton's new BFF ! "Learning about women is itself revolutionary." cult cult cult cult cult cult cult special interest group special interest group special interest group special interest group special interest group special interest group special interest group And (pp. 213 - 214) we have this from D'Souza, "...women at the american philosophical association, recently denounced the nuclear family as a 'cornerstone of oppression' and eagerly anticipated scientific advances to eliminate such biological functions as insemination, lactation, and gestation. 'One woman could inseminate another...men and nonpar- turative (I haven't looked that up, maybe it's a misspelling) women could lactate...fertilized ova could be transferred into women's or even men's bodies.'" Our Graduate Student wrote about that kind of nonsense back in 1982, 9 years before D'Souza's masterpiece. After presenting such nonsensical ideas, as D'Souza does, such as the feminists' eagerness to see men bear children, Our Graduate Student remarked that, indeed, those things may be possible some day but "Why ? Why not just keep doing it the way we used to ? It works."

Are You Saying That D'Souza Stole His Ideas From Our Graduate Student, Like limbaugh Did ?

Oh, stop it ! Stop your nonsense. There's enough of it at those nonsense factories called universities. In a way it's a relief that they've rejected me. It saves me from their nonsense and gives me a certain intellectual freedom to think and speak my mind. So, don't you start in with the nonsense. It won't be tolerated here. There's no proximate cause between Our Graduate Student's 1982 Newsletters and Dinesh's "Illiberal Education" and Diane's "The Language Police." Oh sure ! By "The Butterfly Effect," sometimes called "The Avalanche Effect," Our Graduate Student's 1982 Newsletters may indeed have resulted in their scholarly exposes of university nonsense, but we're not making that claim here. Dinesh and Diane are our FRIENDS, our intellectual soulmates, not our adverseries, and I won't let anyone change that. Not you. Not the enthralling louise cowan, not dick cheney, not rush limbaugh, not all the crazy looney nonsensical liberal fascist feminists in all of sacramento, the left coast, or all the universities in the united states or even the world ! Whaddya know ? Look at this ! Listen to what Harvard political scientist Harvey Mansfield says (p. 226), "'IF the atmosphere was bad then, it is even worse now." Mansfield himself has become something of a pariah on the Harvard campus, but he is not unhappy about that; curiously, he argues, it exempts him from asphyxiating social pressures and gives him a certain intellectual freedom to speak his mind." "David Riesman, professor emeritus of sociology at Harvard (p. 226) and author of "The Lonely Crowd" commented that 'it is sad for me to see so many people from the sixties'cohort (the childrenaton) become enemies of true diversity. What we have now in the university (nonsense factories) is a kind of liberal closed-mindedness...evangelical Christians... find the atmosphere very intolerant.'" "oppressive milieu which penalizes critical thought (p. 226 - 227) and stimulates deep if inarticulate resentment" "But now, Mansfield added, voicing widely held but taboo sentiment, (p. 227 - 228) 'After being accused time and again, people become weary of being scapegoats. Their patience cannot last forever...'" "Nobody will say so (except, of course, Our Wonderful Graduate Student, who has been saying so since 1982 or even 1978, depending on your historical perspective), but the truth is that a large number of students and faculty have simply had it." All options are on the table. Always.

Wow ! That D'Souza Book Is Good ! And You're Just Kinda Skimming Through One Chapter !? I'm Getting Kinda Tired Already. Anything Else In That Chapter.

Oh yeah. "Illiberal Education" is brilliant. D'Souza is brilliant. The book's peppered with insights throughout. You could base a Quality University Curriculum on that book, along with a few Ravitch books. Here, (p. 205) look at this, "'feminists used the civil rights issue to seize power in the universities.. yet we blacks have reaped very thin gains.'" That remark was by Glenn Loury, formerly of Harvard's Afro-American Studies department and now at the Kennedy School of Government. That's EXACTLY what Our Graduate Student was arguing in His 1982 Newsletters. "Calling a white female a 'women's libber' is just as bad as calling a black man the 'nword'?" Excuse me. I don't fucking think so ! "a relentless, even fanatical conformity of thought in which (p. 214) 'diversity' does not refer to a range of views... but rather entails enlisting in...ideological causes... For instance, to be 'for diversity' you must believe...that women have been victims of domestic incarceration through history; if you resist these notions, then you are 'against diversity' and eligible for sanctions and abuse." In other words, the very meaning of the word "diversity" has been reversed for the feminist political agenda, the FAKE shallow liberal fascist agenda. "minority sentiments are placed on a pedestal (p. 215) while majority sentiments are placed on trial." I guess education chairpeople are flakes everywhere. At brown university one of them, willim damon, argues for sensitivity training. "Most sensitivity programs take precisely the shape that damon advocates...urged to step forwrd and confess their bigoted impulses (I guess that's what that professor was tryin' to get Our Graduate Student to do at uaa)...broke into tears as he admitted...while other students sighed and clapped, welcoming him into the ranks of the enlightened... Initial calls for 'tolerance' of different lifestyles rapidly metaorphosed into demands that 'intolerant' students be identified and punished" Like today, if you want to burn a koran in protest, which is one of our fundamental rights of Free Speech, it is called 'a hateful act' and everyone in this land of the free and the brave is afraid to do it. "Tolerance, not in its effect, entirely unlike terror." That was from Gore Vidal, as quoted by Our Graduate Student in His 1982 Newsletters.


Very Easily.


Very Easily.


Very Easily.


Very Easily.



Very Easily.


Very Easily.