
If I Was Black I'd Be Raisin' Hell !

If You Were Black In Fuckindeed !

If he was black, then surely he would be raising hell.

Raisin' Hell Like A Raisin In The Sun

If only he were black

If Only He Were Black

If only he were black

If Only He Were Black

If only he were black

If Only He Were Black

If he were black, indeed

Then Surely He Would Be Raisin' Hell, Would He Not ?

Indeed he would, if only he were black

If Only He Were Black

If only he were black, then surely, most assuredly, then, most certainly, assuredly he would be araisin' hell, would he not ?

Oh ! Most Certainly !

Most certainly he would be raisin' hell, if only he were black

If Only He Were Black

Yes, indeed. If only he were black !


But, He Wasn't Black, Was He ?

No. He Wasn't. He Wasn't Black. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't black.

If Fuzzy Wuzzy Wasn't Black, What Was Fuzzy Wuzzy ?

Fuzzy wuzzy was portly.

Rotund, was he ?

Indeed. Portly. Rotund. Pot-Bellied.

Like A Pig, Then ?

Yes. Yes, that's it. The very thing. Fuzzy Wuzzy Wuz Portly, Rotund, Pot-Bellied, Like A Pig, Indeed. Like A Pig. That's the ticket. Like A Pig. Just Like A Pig.

Rotund, Portly, and Pot-Bellied, You Say ?

Yes, that's right. That's what I say. professor Rotund, huffing and puffing and bobbing about, was rotund, portly, and pot-bellied.

Rotund, you say ? And Huffing And Puffing And Bobbing About, You Say ? Are You Quite Sure ?

Yes, yes quite.

Well Then Not Quite The Type To Be Raising Hell, I Should Think.

Yes. Yes, that's quite right. You should think that. You should indeed. Not quite the type to be raising hell. He wasn't black, you know.

Oh, yes. That's right. He wasn't black. Yes, yes, of course. You said that. He wasn't black, you said. Well then, he certainly couldn't be raising hell if he wasn't black, could he ? Can't raise hell if you're not black, you know. You Have To Be Black To Raise Hell. Everyone Knows That.

Yes. Yes, of course. Everyone knows that. But he WOULD have been raising hell, you know, if only he were black. He said so, himself, you know. He said so himself.

Yes. Yes, of course. Of Course He Would. Of Course He Would. I'm Quite Certain Of It. Yes, Of Course He Would. If Only He Were Black.

If only he were black.


What About Our Graduate Student, Then ?

Well, you see, professor portly and rotund seemed to overlook the rather SALIENT (look it up) point that

Our Graduate Student WAS Raising Hell Right Then And There ! REGARDLESS OF HIS COLOR !

So, In Other Words, Do You Mean To Tell Me That White Professor Rotund With The Beard Yelled At Our Graduate Student, Who Was Writing In The Cafeteria Like Snoopy On His Doghouse, Like Sartre On The Seine, "if i was black i'd be raising hell !" ?

That's right. Our Graduate Student couldn't figure it out at first. "Why the hell did he yell THAT at me ?", he wondered. Our Graduate Student was composing away, professionally and appropriately and peacefully. HE wasn't attacking African Americans. He was DEFENDING them ! HE wasn't throwing tantrums like the privileged FAKE, shallow white women's libber was, who went around screaming, "White Men have it coming to them !" HE wasn't throwing tantrums like the privileged FAKE shallow white women's libber who felt she was entitled to always be the center of attention, yelling, "calling a white woman a women's libber is JUST AS BAD AS calling a black man the nword !", because she wanted the white women's lib movement to get just as much attention as the civil rights movement. He was just writing letters, just like Dr. King did. Our Graduate Student just shrugged, and kept on writing his letters. But, eventually, as the weeks wore on, and he encountered endless resistance, and scorn, and mockery, and threats, he got mad and fought back. He mocked them. In his final Newsletter or two he picked 'em apart, one by one, all the usual suspects. They coulda been characters right out of MLK's Letter From A Birmingham Jail, - the silent moderate supporters, the moderate opponents, the snarling dogs growling and snapping, waiting to be let loose. He took 'em on one by one. "I'm completely right. She's completely WRONG," he reasoned. "And, all I'm doin' is writin' Newsletters, and they're mockin' me and draggin' me up to the president's office, and havin' students threaten me !?"


you !"

He can't remember 'em all. He mocked the department chair, the women's libber's hubby who bragged about being an alcoholic even though he hadn't had a drink in a decade or a quarter century or something, "john is a very smart man. john tells everyone he's an alcoholic. john hasn't had a drink in 10 or 25 years. 'alcoholic. n. a person who drinks too much alcohol. Oxford, 197whatever.' 'Why, john, do you tell people you're an alcoholic if you haven't had a drink in 10 or 25 years ?', I asked. 'Because', john replied, 'It scares the hell out of people !'" That's the honest truth. That's exactly what John, the department chair and tantrum-throwing women's libber's husband, said. That's how crazy people act.

I Agree. You're Absolutely Right. THAT'S HOW CRAZY PEOPLE ACT ! When You Go Around Trying To SCARE People By Telling Them That Your BRAIN IS DAMAGED, and that you are continuously damaging your brain, Implying That Your BEHAVIOR Might Be UNPREDICTABLE AND VIOLENT, And When You Have Long Scraggly Hair and LOOK LIKE CHARLES MANSON to boot while you say crazy stuff like that, then you look like and you sound like and you act like A CRAZY PERSON ! And, you know about the duck test.

That's Right. According to the duck test, john was a crazy person, but not our graduate student. The duck test states that if you look like a duck and sound like a duck and act like a duck, then you're probably a duck. When john TRIED TO SCARE PEOPLE by saying he was an alcoholic, he sounded like a crazy person. And looked like a crazy person with his long, scraggly hair, like Charles Manson. And he was acting like Charles Manson. He was acting like a CRAZY PERSON. So, according to the duck test. john WAS a crazy person !

Yes, I Can See That. john, The Department Chair, Was Crazy, And Our Graduate Student WASN'T Because Our Graduate Student Wasn't Saying And Doing Crazy Things Like john, The Department Chair, Was.

That's Right. Our Graduate Student wasn't acting like a duck, and wasn't acting like a crazy person.

How Was He Acting ?

He was acting like Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King. He was just writing letters, Newsletters.

Who Else Did Our Graduate Student Mock In Response To Scorn, Mockery, And Threats ?

After 28 years, he doesn't remember 'em all. He remembers mocking another hostile professor in that department who bragged about having forearms like Popeye and who flirted with the female students and once intentionally provoked the females in the class by drawing a bikini-body hourglass shape on the board, complete with the numbers, like "36, 24, 36" or something. Then he said, "Oh, it's a coke bottle, and those are the dimensions in millimeters." When he went after Our Graduate Student, Our Graduate Student ridiculed him for his obvious and frequent flirtations and wrote that his wife would find him to be "quite ridiculous." It was WAR, and THEY had declared it lol. He remembers making fun of a powerfully built young intructor who was his first faculty advisor. He wasn't so bad really. He actually supported the notion of a Men's Liberation Organization. Our Graduate Student was really poking fun at the idea of the powerfully built and strong man who chickened out, "Tolerance that, in its effect, is not entirely unlike terror." That's a Gore Vidal quote. We'll get to that soon. Our Graduate Student remembers taking a pot shot at some student's remark in some publication. It was a handful of people he took on in order to defend himself and in order to show what a pathetic, picayune little joke of a university that place was where they cheered the women's libber's nonsensical tantrum rantings and mocked and scorned and threatened him for writing thoughtful, communicative letters, like Martin Luther King did. But the one he remembers the clearest and that he had put his heart into most was his "Apology For Dr SoAndSo" "Apology For dr thayer," I believe it was. The more he thought about professor beared portley pig's threat, "if i was black i'd be raisin' hell", the more representative and significant it became to him. It was THAT PROFESSOR WHO WAS STIRRING UP RACIAL HATRED, plain and simple, NOT OUR GRADUATE STUDENT ! Our Graduate Student was discussing crazy inflammatory statements made by the tantrum-throwing white women's libber instructor, and he was doing it in a very reserved, sedate, non-inflammatory manner. He sat down, typed his thoughts onto paper, encouraged dialogue, and distributed those Newsletters to the mailboxes of faculty and student organizations (and thereby to student leaders), so his efforts wouldn't be wasted on intellectually immature students. He wasn't standing in the Quad like Abbie Hoffman or Jerry Rubin or Mark Rudd or Bill Ayers screamin' inflammatory lies and bullshit. He was writing, not screaming, and communicating mostly with faculty precisely BECAUSE he'd been through all that dramatic shit on the campuses from 1969 to 1971, especially 1969, when everybody was screaming and yelling and throwing TANTRUMS just like his mother did and just like that shallow, FAKE women's libber fascist did. What feelings were running through Our Graduate Student's mind and heart in reaction to professor portley's VEILED THREAT ? Well, the first reaction is, "Why doesn't he just TALK TO ME, or SUBMIT AN ARTICLE to The Newsletter ? Why the bravado and veiled threat ?" "Why raise his voice to me from a distance in the cafeteria like Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin, instead of sitting next to me and talking " "Was he insinuating that people who actually WERE black were, or should be, mad as hell at me and, if so, why didn't THEY talk to me or submit an article to The Newsletter, as Our Graduate Student was INVITING ALL MEMBERS of that state university community to do." "Was professor portley encouraging and INCITING black people to get mad as hell at me !?" So, in sarcastic and scathing and mocking satire, Our Graduate Student wrote, "Why Does professor portley Yell That He Would Raise Hell, If Only He Were Black ? Because It's Fun To Raise Hell ? Perhaps What Professor Portley Meant To Say (inasmuch as his statements were directed to me) Was That I Would Not Be Raising Hell, If I Were Black. If That Is The Case, Then It Appears That professor portley Is Overlooking The Rather SALIENT (I got that from Roget's Thesaurus) Fact That I AM RAISING HELL, Right Here And Now, REGARDLESS OF MY COLOR!" I believe it was an inspired response. It exposed the FAKE, shallow MYTH of professor portley that all the FAKE white liberals believed too. It was a convenient MYTH of theirs that you had to be black to fight for justice. It let the FAKE white liberals off the hook. ("We don't want to OFFEND the blacks by fighting FOR them, so we'll respect them and step back and let them fight for themselves. We can sit back and stay out of it, except, of course, to INCITE the blacks.) Our Graduate Student DEBUNKED their MYTH. Our Graduate Student is colorblind, and doesn't judge a person's right to fight injustice and nonsense by the color of his skin, but BY THE CONTENT OF HIS CHARACTER ! "Is professor portley insinuating that I would not be raising hell if I were black ?", Our Graduate Student queried mockingly. "If This Is The Case, Then professor portley Seems To Be Overlooking The Rather SALIENT Fact That I AM Raising Hell Right Here And Now REGARDLESS OF MY COLOR !" It was simply beautiful, if I do say so myself. It established Our Graduate Student as a colorblind fighter for Justice and professor portley as an excuse-seeking FAKE white liberal. "How Wonderful To Know," continued Our Graduate Student, unmercifully trashing, mocking and scorning the devious, inciteful, treacherous wimp of a professor (after all, by this time Our Graduate Student had been told that there had been talk of killing him.) "How Wonderful To Know That professor portley, too, Is Willing To Fight Against Injustice. I, And The Entire Black Populations of North America and South Africa Are Given Great Comfort By This Knowledge And We Will All Sleep Soundly Tonight, Knowing That professor portley Would Be Joining Us In Our Struggle Against Injustice, That professor portley, too, Would Be Raising Hell, If Only He Were Black." Our Graduate Student addressed the black members of the university community directly in His Newsletters, "I'm Not The One Who Brought Race Into This Discussion. The Shallow women's libber Did When She Said, 'Calling A white woman a women's libber IS JUST AS BAD AS Calling A Black Man The nword.' That's what she said and I'm merely responding to it. I think that what she said is absurd and completely untrue and offensive to African Americans. SHE brought up the racial issue in that extremely offensive statement to African Americans. I am disagreeing with and challenging that offensive statement. Of course I'm right and they are very wrong, so they resort to name-calling. When you call an African American man names, you call him the nword. When you call a white man names, you call him a racist. Don't fall for it. I know you're too smart for that. I don't patronize your intelligence the way the shallow white liberals do. This is not a black people's issue. This is basically an argument between me as a reasonable white centrist on the one hand and shallow white liberals on the other. The unethical shallow white liberals are trying to bring African Americans into the argument on their side against me without explaining the issue. I have a lot of good reasons for thinking that this statement is offensive, 'Calling A white woman a women's libber IS JUST AS BAD AS calling a black man the nword.' But you know what I'd like to know ? I'd like to know what the nwords think about it ! I will gladly publish your responses." I Guess professor portley Slithered Back Under The Rock He Crawled From Under. Our Graduate Student Did Not Yield His Chair In The Cafeteria. He Continued Writing Letters, Just Like Dr King. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOU, professor bearded portley thayer ! Up Against The Wall, Motherfucker ! I mean, Our Graduate Student had cut his teeth on radical campus protests and urban racial riots and counter-culture living and anti-war protest when he was an impressionable teenager. He wasn't about to take ANY fucking shit from the likes of professor portley. And he didn't.


Very Easily.